ARCHIVED — Demo: Course Registration and Cart

The registration process in REPORTER allows users to register themselves as well as others for courses and can manage the orders they create or are responsible for pay. Below are multiple resources to assist you in understanding and navigating the registration design.


Help for Participants and General Users:

  • NC State User Demo: A video demonstration of the registration changes from the perspective of an NC State user registering for a course that connects to Moodle.
  • External User Demo: A video demonstration from the perspective of a non-NC State, or external, user. This video will show you how to complete a registeration for yourself and other external users.
  • My Orders Demo: This video will show you where you can access your existing orders and orders you have created on behalf of other people. This includes how to Pay unpaid orders and how to pay for an order you created but said someone else will pay for.


Help for Administrative users (such as Course Admins):

  • Video Overview of Changes: A video explaining what changes were made to registration, why they were made, and what the future of registration will include.
    • PDF Shown in video: In the overview video, a PDF is shown demonstration the new concepts of the shopping cart. You can view this PDF separately.
  • Video Demo of Changes: In this video you can watch as someone navigates through multiple registration use cases in the new version of REPORTER.


Help Videos:
External User Demo

External User Demo (above)










NC State User Demo

NC State User Demo (above)











How to Access Your Orders

How to Access Your Orders (above)











Video Overview of Changes

Video Overview of Changes (above)












Video Demo of Changes

Video Demo of Changes (above)











